
Saturday, March 03, 2012

What I Learned This Week

Here's a few things I learned this week:

1.  Check the settings on the washer before doing a load of laundry. Realized as I put my second load in that somehow the load size was set on medium. Here's hoping the large load in the dryer is fully clean.

2.  Pin a note to forgetful child so she remembers to bring home the small containers you put in her lunch box during the week. My dear daughter saved  5 mini ones in her desk from snack this past week. Thankfully they finally made it home and were empty. It could've bern a very stinky mess.

3.  Getting a new movie from Redbox or DVD Express can keep your children occupied and not fighting for a couple hours. Even better when the movie (Hugo) they thought was going to be stupid and boring entrances them to silence 5 minutes in.

4.  School districts ten miles apart can and will handle inclement weather differently. The school I work in closed due to an impending snow storm (started about 10 a.m.).  My kids school district finally called early dismissal at 9:50. They dismiss high school first, then middle school and last elementary (based on school start times).  So my kids were released into a mess. The roads hadn't been plowed or anything. Thankfully we live 3 blocks from school.  The district and town need to do a better job (releasing and plowing).

Life always keeps you guessing. The learning is on going. You adjust and keep moving forward.

What did you learn this week?

1 comment:

  1. Redbox has saved me many a time! So has Netflix instant viewing.
