
Friday, October 21, 2011

Thankful Friday~October 21

Hooray it's finally Friday!  Here's my list on what I'm thankful for this week.

1.  So happy Friday finally made it and I am still mentally intact.  The second half of this week has been stressful for me.  Unfortunately, stress often turns into anxiety for me.  I've been emotionally wound tight the last few days.  Thankfully, today proved to be a good day without much stress so the anxiety is seeping away.

2.  Today my kids school had picture day.  First, I was able to purchase a picture package this year.  This made me so happy.  (Yes, sometimes it's the little things in life).  Last year I forewent Fall pictures and just purchased an 8x10 Spring picture.  Second, we had fun going online last night to pick out the perfect backgrounds to go with their picture day outfits.  And last, despite hair battles this morning they arrived at school looking picture perfect.

3.  Goalieboy studied really hard all week for his social studies test without much of a fight.  His dedication and hard work paid off.  He got a 97!  Proud mama here!

4.  Both kids lost their games on Saturday.  But they played their hearts out and didn't give up.  Little Bee took a chance and played goalie for her soccer game for a quarter.  I think she's decided its not her thing and that's ok.  Poor Goalieboy is playing on a team that is struggling.  I think many players don't really understand positioning yet. I'm proud he hasn't let it get him down. 

5.  I have a new (to me) car!  We went car shopping and hubby helped me get one.  He's going to help me with the payments until I can fully afford them. 

All and all it's been a good week.  There's been ups and down but I always try to focus on the positives.

What are you thankful for this week?

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