
Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 5 things I hate about Summer

There are so many things I love about summertime but as I get older I find the list of things I don't like is growing.  How sad is that?!

1.  It's too dang hot!  Last summer I went to the ER once and Urgent Care twice because I was dehydrated and had heat exhaustion.  Yes, I was drinking plenty of fluids.  I even switched to Gatorade on my Drs advice that the electrolites would help.  We've both agree my body can no longer handle the heat.  I have to be prepared when  I need to go out of any period of time.  Lots of water, a hat, somewhere shady to sit.  I don't even have to be in the sun.  I constanly feel shaky and my world going grey.  It's very scary to be that helpless.

2.  The cost of things to do.  With gas prices soaring and the cost of other good and services continuing to go up how can a family plan an afordable day out.  Heck, I'm not even talking vacation.  Just a day at the lake or something.  I hate having to deny my kids summer fun because I can't afford it.

3. Rainy days  Most of the time summer has a few rainy days and I'm ok with that because it gives us a chance to just relax together inside.  However, there are some summers where the rain never ends and it's pure torture.  I have plenty of things the kids can do.  I have a rainy day list.  But still, endless days of rain are not a mom's best friend.  I fear this may be one of "those" summers.

4.  The fighting.  My kids get along for the most part but when they are together for too long it's the kiss of death.  They will fight like cats and dogs for the silliest of reasons.  One moment I'll hear peals of laughter and the next yelling and crying.  Those moments make me want to pull my hair out.  They have them through out the weekend but summertime is like a 2 month weekend.  It can feel neverending in a very painful way.

5.  The uncertainty When those last few weeks creep up before school is about to begin I feel the anxiety in my house.  This is more from my son then my daughter.  He loves the freedom of loose scheduling and no homework.  He forgets about his classmates and everything.  I don't think he really misses anyone from school much.  But as soon as the start of school closes in he starts to get tense.  He worries about which teacher he'll have, who will be in his class, where he'll sit, how much homework the teacher will send home and on and on.  Year round school would almost be best for him.  The tension leaves the first week of summer and is back with a bang just as fast in September.  My heartbreaks for him and his anxiety.

Well, there you have it, my top 5 reasons to hate summer. Overall, I do enjoy summer and I'll share why soon.  Do you have things you hate about sumer?  Care to share?

And a few more:
airconditioning costs

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